Sometimes you just need the answer to a question quickly and cost effectively. This might be to gauge general opinion, to validate a story or your response to a topical market event. Asking five or fewer questions on our nationally representative consumer omnibus, allows you to access insight in a quick and efficient way. Our UK omnibus survey is ideal for political polls, to gauge brand awareness, to answer topical questions, to assess potential demand for a new product or service, for campaign evaluation, or simply to help with a PR story. Results are nationally representative in terms of gender, age and region and presented through simple-to-read data tables.

How Arlington Research can help you

“We weren’t just given the data, they explained clearly what this meant to us.”

CEO – Crowd Control

What is a UK and US omnibus survey?

UK and US omnibus surveys allow brands to rapidly collate the insights of consumers to understand their opinions and attitudes, test concepts, or fuel creative campaigns. Use our omnibus surveys to:

  • Understand how consumer behaviours and opinions evolve
  • Diagnose problems to help build a business or marketing strategy
  • Evaluate a campaign’s performance by surveying consumers before and/or after
  • Test creations, products, or services on real customers before larger investment
  • Garner opinions on topical stories to help fuel your own content strategy
  • Quickly add statistics to support a campaign. It can often be helpful to conduct an omnibus survey to test a hypothesis ahead of investing in a larger bespoke project

What should I look for when booking a UK or US omnibus survey agency?

Survey on laptop

The nature of an omnibus survey is fast and cost-effective. But that doesn’t mean cutting corners or sacrificing accuracy. It is still essential that the omnibus survey stands up to scrutiny and adheres to the goals set out. Look out for the following attributes to help you identify the right omnibus survey supplier:

  • Bespoke surveying: does the agency just take your questions and run the survey, or will they assign someone with market research expertise to check that you are asking the right questions and in an ethical way?
  • Accreditation: does the agency adhere to MRS or ESOMAR market research standards? Is this important to them? Such codes of conduct are vital if the research is to stand up to scrutiny.
  • Examples: do they have any examples of their work they can share with you to show that they can do what they say they can?
  • Results: can the agency help you understand the results? Will they help you interpret them, use them effectively, and communicate the findings appropriately?

Why is Arlington Research the answer to my omnibus survey needs?


Just because you haven’t ordered a bespoke survey doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from the experience of our director-level team in an omnibus survey context. The panels we use for UK and US omnibus surveys only include respondents who are double opted-in and checked regularly to ensure that the information they provide is truthful and relevant. Respondents are not over-researched or over-saturated by sending them too many surveys, their responses are checked to ensure that they don’t provide contradictory responses, and we also remove ‘speedy respondents’ who complete the survey too quickly.

Each question on every survey is carefully considered and written to provide you with the answers you require. Questions will be designed to tell a story, but also to stand up to scrutiny from stakeholders, journalists, and competitors.

Thorough analysis of all responses further ensure that every omnibus survey has been built on the right questions, to secure the most appropriate and story-enhancing responses. We would love to do the same for you!

Let’s start a new project together

  • Specialists in PR research for content and the media
  • We have a UK panel of over 5 million respondents
  • Access to over 100 countries internationally
  • Global panel of over 200 million respondents
  • Full-service market research agency

We always love to hear about a new challenge and would love to help you bring your story to life.

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